Monday, November 20, 2006

Saying 'Thanks' in the spirit of Thanksgiving

Cindy Evans of Fremont said she lost her wedding and engagement ring set when she and her husband went to St. Vincent to visit her mother-in-law. Mrs. Evans had taken the rings off and placed them in her lap while she put on hand lotion, then forgot to put them back on. Unnoticed, the rings dropped to the ground in the parking lot as she got out of the car.
"I didn't realize they were missing until I was driving home that night," Mrs. Evans said. She was distraught; she called the hospital security office several times to see if they had been turned in, and went back to search the area where the car had been parked. She even called a pawn shop to see if someone had taken them there. And she thought of her mother's advice. "She always said when you lose something, you pray to St. Anthony," Mrs. Evans said.
"I was never too good about that," she admitted. "I would call her and say, 'You need to pray to St. Anthony for me." Her mother died in April.
"So I prayed to her. I said, 'Mom if you see St. Anthony where you are, would you ask him to find my rings?" Days later, she got a message from security personnel at the hospital, saying they thought they might have her rings. Mrs. Evans' description matched the set that had been turned in. "I was crying. I said, 'I can't believe it. Did they leave their name?" The answer was no.

We ask all our loyal readers if they have any thanksgiving, to add it to our blogs so the rest of us could learn from it.

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